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How nutrition can overcome barriers for societal resilience

  • People are living longer but with health-impeding conditions impacting their quality of life, for which poor nutrition is a root cause.
  • The trajectory of people’s health is destined to overwhelm healthcare systems and impose enormous economic, environmental, and health costs.
  • An evidence-based social change model can help overcome existing barriers to change.

People are living longer but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are living healthier lives. In fact, research has shown that chronic disease is on the rise.

Consider, for instance, that more than half of adults in the United States (60%) have been diagnosed with a chronic illness, such as heart disease or diabetes, and 4 in 10 adults have two or more. Meanwhile, chronic disease in Europe accounts for 86% of all deaths, and accounting for all these illnesses is poor nutrition. People are eating more foods high in fat and sugar,…

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