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The ‘secret sauce’ that will attract business to our region | News, Sports, Jobs

My mother made an incredible barbecue sauce.

Growing up, we loved it when Mom made ham barbecue sandwiches for dinner. Mom’s ham barbecues were awesome.

She found a way to make them spicy but sweet. Mom didn’t share her secret ingredients. Her sauce was unique and different than any barbecue I have had since. Sometime before her death at age 92 Mom shared her recipe with one of the daughter-laws who shared it with the rest of the family. My youngest son’s wife, Mary made them most recently. It was just like Mom was still alive.

At Thanksgiving, most families have special recipes. My daughter learned how to make Mom’s broccoli bake when she lived with Mom for a semester during college.

Dannielle will make it for our Thanksgiving dinner this week. Lynnda is going through recipes tonight. I have eaten her mother’s special poppy seed cake and Gramma Clara’s cucumbers and sour cream. All of these…

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